Your code privacy matters

Your code privacy matters

At Yotako we dedicate our work to the front-end developers community. Our mission is to provide a tool enabling developers like you and us to get top quality source code based on the design and the technologies of our own choice.

To do so we spent great time listening to our community and all the developers waiting for the release of Yotako. This is how we realized how important could be the privacy of the code you develop. For those of you working as freelancers or in a web agency it could even be mandatory when you develop apps for third parties business customers.

Originally Yotako aimed to create your app project directly in our Github account so it is publicly available to inspire other front-end developers and designers with your projects. Although this will remain the default settings of Yotako, our team is now working to let you choose between public and custom repositories within the tool.


Preview of our current work

We are now developing a new feature to let you choose in which repository you want to get the code of your application. Hopefully it will be ready in our first release so you will have the opportunity to connect with your own Github or Bitbucket account in order to select the final destination of the code you created with Yotako. You could also download the code directly as a zip file if you don’t want to deal with external providers, which is certainly convenient in some cases. Keep in mind that you will be able to preview the result online before even downloading the source code locally to your machine. We will show you all the details about this preview very soon!

Yotako is currently tested by our amazing team, and in a few days the very first subscribers will receive the free access they asked for. If you haven’t registered to the waiting list yet you can still do it in a few clicks so you are among the first to use Yotako!

We take the opportunity of this quick post to thank all those who feed us with feedback and recommendations every day. So happy we can count on such a great community.

If you have any request on how you want Yotako to be shaped feel free to reach us or comment below.

Happy coding!
The team at Yotako